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I have huge issues with aging. How do we deal with it?
  (#1 (permalink))
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Default I have huge issues with aging. How do we deal with it? - 01-02-2009, 01:57 PM

Life goes by so fast, and one day I'm a high school student, and the next I'm a"sir"and a dad, and I just personally never really 100% adjusted to all of the changes along the way. It's been just crazy.Every year I look a bit older, different, etc, my body changes; the things I used to be able to do and eat, I can't anymore.How do we deal with aging in a healthy way, and not get depressed over getting older and older?I want in my mind always to be the young, desirable"Stud"type, look great, etc, but in all reality, we get older, and eventually I won't be seen as that, or vibrant or even fashionable/trendy.I'll be over the hill.I know it's coming and I got so self-conscious about it that I invesed in alot of clothes, cosmetics, hair products, etc, to look good and age better, but..sometimes I feel that that doesn't even turn back the clock as much.It's inevitable and I can't afford 100000 plastic surgeries either, so do I deal with it in a healthy way?Even the balding aspect.It's just depressing.
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  (#2 (permalink))
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Default 01-02-2009, 10:38 PM

You have to listen to the song of Frank Sinatra"Young at heart". Make that your"motto".Live healthy, work out, eat healthy. Aging"gracefully"is the most important lesson in life !
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  (#3 (permalink))
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Default 01-03-2009, 04:37 PM

It happens to everybody, so just take it in stride. Clothes, cosmetics, and hair products will basically just cover it up, it's not'turning back the clock'at all. The best way to feel young is to live a healthy life and keep a positive outlook/etc.
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  (#4 (permalink))
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Default 01-08-2009, 01:42 AM

Okay look at it this way. There are two kinds of aging, the good and bad kind. In the bad kind, you get wrinkly, your hair falls out, you have aches and pains, suddenly you have kidney stones and that kind of thing.The good kind of aging is the changes in your mentality and perspective as you become more experienced and mature. You become more knowledgeable and pass on what you learned to younger people. You develop healthier habits to help reverse or slow down some of the physical effects of aging. You realize that at 40 or 50, no you are not young and studly enough to attract a 20 year old, but you are more attracted to people close to your own age. You realize that looking trendy and fashionable by 20 year olds standards is not important, because by now you have your own style, like, a cardigan with a kleenex up the sleeve (jk).
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I speak from experience.
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Default I speak from experience. - 01-08-2009, 07:28 PM

I happen to be 94 years of age and about as happy as anyone could possibly be (my own opinion), so I think that allows me to respond on the aging subject with a bit of credibility.

Am I rich? Money? No, very tight financially. Rich? yes, in every other way.

Health? Yes, but it is only because I have made a good effort in keeping life habits within reason. Had a heart attack in my late 50s, came through in good shape through exercise and no worrying. Over the past I've had certain health challenges, blood pressure and such, but I can still play 9 holes of golf, though the legs are not as cooperative as the spirit and the rest of the body. I could write a book, but not here.

Oh yes, I have a great wife, my 5th, for the past 23 years. I am, spiritually, incredibly happy, having turned to Nichiren Buddhism for the past 10 years. Two main reasons for my happiness.

Lastly, to meet aging successfully, you must be happy spiritually, with a really high degree of Faith. Exercise as much a possible, if only for a little bit a day. Keep busy, have interests that keep your mind active. And do not let negative thoughts into your thinking processes. Remember this -
"Your thoughts creat your life". Keep this thought, o.k.? CJ
If this interests, I've many more observations.
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  (#6 (permalink))
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Default 06-18-2009, 05:11 PM

You are 27. Wait to worry until you are 40. I have issues too, but slightly different. I feel like I need to act differently according to my age. Once we hit 21-25 we never change...just physically. Inside we are the same as we were when we were in our 20s. That never changes. Physical change is inevitable, so embrace it.
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  (#7 (permalink))
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Default 06-25-2009, 04:25 AM

I don't remember who said"age is only a state of mind,"but I truly believe that. We know getting older is inevitable, but aging doesn't have to be. Chronologically we age each year, as our physical bodies deteriorate, but mentally how we age is up to us.To stay young physically, we need to select the best nutrition and exercise. Eating fresh, wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is a fairly common recipe among most nutritional experts. Staying away from excesses of alcohol, sugar, and caffeine is also a popular remedy for staying young and healthy. And of course, smoking is out of the question. Regular exercise whether it's engaging in a sport, working out at the gym, or a daily walk will also keep our bodies in better shape than not doing anything energetic.But our minds are the seat of our ability to stay young at heart. Because our minds control our attitudes, our thoughts, our words, our feelings, and our actions.If you accept the attitude that you are only as young as you feel, you will act younger, feel younger, and therefore look younger. Your attitude will be upbeat and modern as you stay abreast of current trends, adapt to changes in technology, and keep up with the"younger"generation. Your thoughts can keep you young by being open minded. We show our age when we get fixed in our opinions and perspectives. Stay young by being open, curious, and excited to keep learning.Our words can also keep us younger longer by adapting to new terminology, giving up archaic phrases from our youth, and interacting with the younger generation. Emotionally you will stay young at heart by releasing rigidity, going with the flow, and following your passions. And your actions keep you young by being adaptable, learning new ways of doing things, and being open to change.For example, we often learn from our parents and pass what we learn to our children. Wouldn't it be"cool"if we started learning from our children instead? So instead of always preparing turkey, cranberry sauce, yams, and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving, ask your children what they want. And start a new tradition of salad, meatballs and spaghetti, and apple pie. Of course, you want to keep it as healthy as possible.Staying young at heart is also more than just keeping your body healthy and your mind open. You can stay young at heart by coming from your heart in all you do.Can you do your work from your heart-that is, giving service to your clients and sharing your talents from a place of caring? Can you treat your friends, family, and even strangers with love, kindness, and generosity? And can you love yourself in spite of shortcomings and because you are a truly unique and wonderful being?Try and think about all the wonderful talents and skills that you have accumulated over the years. Think about all the things you have done right. Think about all the constructive things you can still do. That should make you feel younger. There are probably a lot of people half your age that can't do what your experience has taught you how to do.If you want to feel and look younger, you have to start to act younger. You have to allow yourself the luxury of doing things on impulse. You have to allow yourself to enjoy life. You have to stop worrying about everything that could go wrong. It is time to start thinking and acting positively.Combine your healthy body, flexible mind, and living from your heart and you have a fail proof recipe for staying young at heart-and mind, and body!For Your Best =)
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cjbre77 is on to something!
  (#8 (permalink))
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Default cjbre77 is on to something! - 06-14-2011, 11:22 PM

I agree with so much of what cjbre77 has to say. Now that's aging gracefully!

I think that our attitude has so much to do with how we feel as we get older. When I first started to see signs of aging I freaked out - then I became angry at myself for freaking out and wondered why I was freaking out. Now, at almost 52 I am completely at peace with aging. Let the wrinkles come, let the body sag. It's just not important to me. I work with what I've got and accept what is. I also meditate daily and have a strong spiritual connection.
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  (#9 (permalink))
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Default 09-02-2011, 07:39 AM


I can understand your problem. This is not only your issue but from all the people who can not adjust with growing age. Best and all the time working solution is, just change your eating habits for keeping your body fit.
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Aging Gracefully
  (#10 (permalink))
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Default Aging Gracefully - 09-09-2011, 02:50 AM

Quite naturally aging and its downside is an issue for many people. However most of us accept this condition as inevitable. While aging is a natural process, degenerative diseases that are associated with it are not necessarily so. Aging is caused by the following factors:

Free Radicals
DNA degeneration

To slow down the aging process you must then address the above 5 causative factors. This can be done by following a regimen of good diet, exercise, stress management and the correct kind of dietary supplementation.
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